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Author Unknown
Publisher Solo Software
Year 1983
Category Arcade
Other Images
TRUCKER.mzf TRUCKER.wav (Type $05)
TRUCKER (ALT).mzf TRUCKER (ALT).wav (Type $05)
This copy of the game is domestic to Germany but as it hasn't been localised I have placed it in the English section of the archive. "You are asked to make six collections from locations on the map of the city and deliver them as instructed. You are limited to completing the task within your allotted shift time. You will be penalised for driving on the wrong side of the road, crashing into buildings or road blocks and killing innocent pedestrians. Try to earn the maximum wages for your shift. Complex driving assignment for all you budding lorry drivers."
Also included here is the English domestic release of the game which I have now found on a random tape which also has a different mailing address for Solo Software at the end of the program.