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Author Fred J Buick
Publisher Computer & Videogames Magazine
Year 1982
Category Strategy
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MINOPOLY.mzf MINOPOLY.wav (Type $05)
"Ever fancied being a property speculator and making millions? Well, with the help of your Sharp you can get a taste of real life wheeler-dealing in this adaptation of the famous board game Monopoly. From two-to-five people can play the game and £6,000 is divided equally among the players. The winner is the one who survives bankruptcy for longest or accumulates a nest egg of £5000 in his bank account. Moves are determined by a random selection of numbers from 1-to-5 which are printed up on the screen and the player must try to stop the small arrow which loops above these over the number of his choice. This is an interesting idea which allows some skill into the final result as there is usually at least one number you can avoid if you are sufficiently dexterous."